I love feet
Especially baby feet
Feet take you...
where you want to go
So simple
Just five little toes
Feet take you...
where you want to go
Baby feet
So sweet
I love how tiny
I love how smooth
I love the innocence they exude.
I love reciting...
while I pull on those tiny little toes
“Toe tight. Toe tiddle.
Penny white. Penny whittle.
And Ichabod!”
Or what about...
“This little piggy went to the market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy ate roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
and this little piggy went, wee wee wee,
all the way home.”
When I run the contrast
between sweet little baby feet
and feet that have matured...
Now I wonder about the miles those feet
have incurred...
of you...
of me...
or you three...
walking together through
this season before thee.
Feet on the path
Feet in the dirt
Feet held high
Feet when they hurt
Feet up a hill
Feet in the sea
Feet climbing rocks
Feet with toes...
that have been cut off
Those are just some of the feet
that I have seen.
Feet could tell stories of where they have been
standing tall...
or at the mall
or maybe on pavement too hot to stand
or on the beach while playing in the sand
Feet sometimes repeat...
a path that they take
Feet can walk...
where the light illuminates
Feet can turn right
Feet can turn left
I always hope my feet walk...
in a straight path
I want to stand true
I want to walk right
Careful to stay...
out there in the light
There was a summer
when my feet
hit the dirt
Which took me off the path
as I traveled in the murky dirt
That dirt didn’t look
too too bad
But I see that is when
My feet brought me
the first time
into uneven land
You see that is when I cut
the sole of my foot...
Our maybe I should say
the soul of my foot...
If it’s true
Feet take you where you want to go
Does that mean
I chose that path too?
The path where I harmed my feet
deep in my sole?
Maybe I did...
though unaware...
actually make the choice to prepare
Prepare to walk
into that place
where my feet led me
in to the places un-in-tend-ed.
Places unintended
that actually caused injury
to my sole (my soul)
the sole of my foot
Feet love freedom
They don’t like to be bound
Feet want the freedom
To move around
The thing about freedom
that I can see...
Is somehow freedom...
Isn’t free
There’s the army version
Where our freedom isn’t free
without the cost of lives lost
in a war
But then there’s the feet version
That freedom isn’t free
when my feet take me
where I want to be
and that ends up being
a place that cuts deep in my feet’s sole...
It’s impactful to know
how when my feet are cut deep
it feels much more
like a breech
deep in my soul.
They take me where I want to go.
Now I choose to be truly free.
To walk on the path...
that brings me TO me...
(Or me to thee...)
My feet can take me where I want to go
This time I want to go
On the path back to whole.
My feet can take me where I want to go...
I want go whole.
And I want to come home.
That is where my feet
MOST long to be.
They take me where I want to be.

July 9, 2020
Dialed in around 7 a.m.
by kks