Sips are just that, a verse or a thought to share. Maybe its a piece of a whole, waiting for it’s bigger release. This post will grow over time. A place to come back and visit a vividly captured line.
Captures from Power In Sync
June 17, 2020
Power surrendered in trust
It will do
My power beneath you
Will see you through
Sit deep in the saddle
Keep your feet pressing in
The stirrups will steady you
Around every bend
Release the reigns...
Feel me track you...
Release the reigns...
My power will show through...
Power surrendered
in trust
Cared for deeply
This power can heal
Power released
first horse to rider through reigns
Then rider to horse
The horse knows the way.
Our powers in sync
You yielding your reign
me under your seat
knowing the way
You let me drink
Your care on the way
I let you ride scared
but deep in your seat
Firm in our trust
Our powers surrendered
both deep in our trust.
A connection fully rendered
On Working Through Communication
Dear family and friends
I want to stay in...
I want to work out
our commun-i-ca-tion...
I want to keep leaning in
and keep learning how
to keep getting better
at building our connections
Not tearing down
I want to build up
That is all I have ever
desire to do
I keep trying to invest in the collective
of me and of you
and build up our trust
in all that we do
I know in relationships
that matter to us
We need to lean in
and actually depend
for there to be an us
I mean really lean in
and really depend
depend on each other
because for relationships to be real
We must learn to deal
IN the Trust

From: 1000 Things That Are
I woke up this morning at 2:26
Wanting to take time to capture
The 1000 things that ARE
in my daily mix
I want to give thanks
I want to be clear
of the things I hold dear
when I look in the mirror
I want to count my treasure
And recall all of my pleasure
I want to celebrate
and call out each thankful person
and each thankful thing
and all of the wonder and beauty that surrounds me
I want to call out specifically by name
I REALLY want to actually CAPTURE
the 1000 things that are
and be thankful always
(I wanted to
create an image to hold...
to help keep...
clear in my view..
so as to not miss this now...
or any other time...)

From Impact
You know how a loved one lives on?
You capture all their beautiful parts
You give grace to the gaps
And you imitate like crazy
All of your favorite impacts

From: The In Between
We must trust of a time
when there will be
more on the scene
because trust is a must
In everything

From Fullness
One thing I know
Fullness does not grow
Sitting alone
The kind of alone
that feels like a stone
Now don’t get me wrong There is a side to being ready That does require personal work that is steady

From: This or That
Line or a circle?
Circle all the way.
He usually hopes for two This or That’s
So...I might go a little deeper...
Broken arm? Or a broken heart?
Most say broken arm. But tonight I had one change her mind to the broken heart. When I asked why, I was blown away. She said, you learn more from a broken heart and God, who is full of Love, is close to the broken-hearted. Wow! I have so much to learn from that girl!

From: Thoughts as Thieves
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They can steal my meal
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They make it so I cannot fill
I cannot fill with strength
I cannot fill with connection
I cannot fill with resources
I cannot fill with tender touch
I cannot fill with space that is safe
I cannot fill with a livable pace
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They taint my pool inside
Thoughts as thieves are toxic
Like a poison where I hide
Thoughts as thieves are anchored They are anchored to the lie They are anchored so firmly That I can no longer try
You may not strip
the value that I see
You may not rip his away hand
and take him far away from me
Come and see this true I see if it is up to me
Come and see what is under there
After we take back
what’s been under siege
I need to at least get near enough
to blast the anchored lie.
Can we get near enough?
To help them to see clear enough?
I really MUST try
I really, really, MUST try

From: Celebrate Me Home
How to heal...
Taking time to heal...
Healing takes a thread and darns the hole...
Hole... How to darn the hole so now things move in the direction of whole...
to begin again...
Whole... To restore what this world breaks...
To tend to the damage so the damage becomes undone... so as to renew...
To re-do...
To re-begin again.
To put on right use...
To restore to friendly relations...
to be reconciled.
To be reconciled.
To be brought back into right relationship...
To be back on friendly terms.
How many holes get a chance to be worked through to wholes?
To begin again.
In this moment.
To be seen...
To see...self
To see...others
To matter...
To be be celebrated...
To be celebrated home.
PLEASE - celebrate me home...
Please CELEBRATE ME home...
Please celebrate me HOME...
Celebrate. Me. Home.

From: Could You Hear Me Then
If the pursuing Love
Fit like a glove
If it descended upon you
Like a peaceful dove?
Could you hear it then?

The light came in
Skipping along
The light pursued brightly
Bounding in head long
Run light
Feel bright
Love pouring down
A sight much much bigger than one
If you don’t want us to remember it,
don’t do it in the first place. ~rrks
A bare that covers
A bare that cares
A bare that goes deeper
Than one might wear
From: Thoughts
As our awareness increases...
we then have a chance to shift...
As we shift, we can begin to see...
As we can start to see...
We can then begin the practice
of “seeing through.”
As we begin to “see through”...
we can access more effective resources...
We then can access
one of the most powerful resources
known to all...
We then have access to H O P E.
And H O P E does not disappoint.
H O P E will be our guide THROUGH.
Fear. Such a thief.
I enter in...
To drink from the well.
To begin again...
I can already tell.
I can already tell of a peace
in it‘s place
It’s like water rushed in...
and calmed every place. ~kks
Power is never neutral
Power equals a heart revealed
Power to bring peace
Power to love through
Power to make small
Diminish another through and through
Which will you choose?
Isn’t our soul always spoken to? It’s just a question of whether we are quiet enough to listen.
~mmas Spring 2019