I sleep like a rock for 3.5 hours
My mind shuts down and fully recharges
As I transition out of deep sleep
Thoughts come wrestling in
like words on repeat
Wrestling out
Problems to solve
Working it out
Next images start to emerge
Words seep in
as the concept unfurls
Now I transition to awake
It feels like a dream
I start to shake
I start to shake my mind awake
My dream is holding
thoughts that I need to chase
I come out of my dream
Enough to write
I capture all those thoughts
That flood through the night
On one hand its crystal clear
So vibrant at night
It feels as clear as fire light
When I awake and it’s bright
Bright like the day
I think what’s that I wrote?
It feels too bright to say
during the day.
The writing seems clear
all through the night
But those words shared out loud
out in the day
Feel too scary to speak...
Too bright to say...
Or even write
Soften and dampen that bright night firelight
too bright for the day.
Consider all that was said
in the deep fire light
but then be willing to hold back
some of the sparks to soften
the message held
just right for the day
Now I must go back to bed
and dream right into the day
