You know how when you drive
especially at night
when the pavement feels like it ends
in the dark of the night?
How when the dark swallows up
your cars head-lights?
Well when that darkness swallows up
that means it’s time to slow down
it’s time to zoom in
to keep your eyes fixed
on the bright line
that fills in
The bright yellow line shows
a way to make it through
a very dark place
it’s bright yellow line
and maybe a friend
who will be there beside you
all the way to the end
the bright yellow line will
show me the way
the white lines on the side
will show you when
you’re about to stray
Stay on the road
Look for that bright yellow line
To lead the way in
through a very dark time
There are two kinds of darkness
One kind of darkness covers you up
The other kind of darkness cools you down
Make sure you know
what kind of darkness you’re in
if you need some shade
then lay down and stay in
if you need some light
to pull you out
from the dark of the night
grab a friend
and start chasing down
the bright yellow line
Don’t forget to look up
to see what shines brightly
from above
They look like stars
and maybe the moon
to keep you connected
so you can see
it’s a bright yellow line
that is driving you
stick close to the bright yellow line
it’ll show you through
not only once
but every time too
hook elbows with a friend
get out in the night
wear your safety equipment
so you stay very bright
so people can see
that you need to be surrounded
by people that can see
See the way through
this tricky path
See the way through
so it adds up too
Adds up to see
Adds up to be
A healing path
