When I was young
I thought courage is what I needed
to try something new.
Now that I’m older
I have begun to think
that courage is what is needed
to be seen.
We live in a world that is shallow
Where most people are happy to play
Where everything looks shiny
And people always show a smile on their face
But I crave the deep.
I often can easily see
There is a breech between the
Smile on ones’ face
And the craving to be seen
It takes courage to bring those
two worlds together
into one true view
Where it’s okay to be hungry
Hungry to be seen
Hungry to be known
Even if it’s messy
The courage I see
All around me
Are from those ready to walk in the true...
The true between what IS seen
and also deeply felt too
I’ll walk there
In the mess
Yes, where it might be hard
But where we are living
In the true...
This little light of mine.
I’m going to let it shine
I think it will take much more courage
This time, I think,
to begin to use
this voice of mine
#hopewriterslife writing challenge 9/8/2020
