Tender Care
Tender Care
Wants you here.
Tender care
Makes a way
For you to eas—i—ly
draw near
Tender care
Creates shelter
Especially for those
Most vulnerable
Can people please
Have the eyes to see
Can people please
Use their power to protect
Please stop
using your power
to MAN—ip—u—late
for selfish gain
You might think your manipulation
is nothing at all
But for those that need shelter
It feels like a hit
Tender care must make a way
for protection to be extended
Immediately and every time too!
The kindness toward those
in tender need
That will be PROOF!
Yes. Those in need of tender care
Need to feel welcomed
They need a spot of protection
— carved out —
for them to feel safe.
Those in need of tender care
Need more than anything
To be celebrated.
Come sit here.
Right next to me.
Come and drink care
As we sit in this chair
Come and feel safe
As we share dinner off this plate
Come and sit here
In tender shelter
Right next to me.
I’ll be right here.
Holding you near.