Thoughts as Thieves
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They steal a joy
They steal a fill
They steal me of my worth
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They strip me of my good
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They steal my sight and leave me blind
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They convince me that I’m not real
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They can steal my meal
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They make it so I cannot fill
I cannot fill with strength
I cannot fill with connection
I cannot fill with resources
I cannot fill with tender touch
I cannot fill with space that is safe
I cannot fill with a livable pace
Thoughts as thieves can steal
They taint my pool inside
Thoughts as thieves are toxic
Like a poison where I hide
Thoughts as thieves are anchored
They are anchored to the lie
They are anchored so firmly
That I can no longer try
Thoughts as thieves are anchored
The anchors look so deep
As the thoughts are stealing
They leave me here to weep
When thoughts as thieves unfurl
The thoughts keep pulling under
I witnessed these thieves
actually steal a person’s thunder
Thoughts as thieves keep showing up
day in and day out
Thoughts as thieves keep seeping in
and washing away my hope
When waking moments are steeped
in the deep and dark untruth
The vessel cannot see the way
his worth is emptied out
Thoughts as thieves need stopping
The thoughts somehow must cease
The thoughts must come unanchored
For the, now curse, to be released
I’m going there...
to blast with care...
come on friend...
don’t look there...
there is more that lies ahead...
Reach straight in...
No thought!
Don’t win!!
You cannot win again!
You may not strip
the value that I see
You may not rip his away hand
and take him far away from me
I know he’ll come to see...
but we must adjust the view
we must set a new anchor...
now from what is true
Come and see this true I see if it is up to me
Come and see what is under there
After we take back
what’s been under siege
After we blast the lie
And anchor to the rock
push back...
The thieves...
They fight back so hard
I need to at least get near enough
to blast the anchored lie.
Can we get near enough?
To help them to see clear enough?
I really MUST try
I really, really, MUST try
