A question to consider as we ring in 2021
A few years ago, on a Sunday near or on a New Year’s Day, I was part of a group from our church visiting the residents at a local Rehabilitation Center. Part of visiting included offering a mini church service for those that wanted to come.
During this short, thirty-minute service, we would sing songs with the residents, share a ten minute message and ask a question that gave them a chance to share a piece of their story so that we could, first, connect in a real way, and then attempt to encourage them and say a short pray together.
This particular year, the message was on reconciliation. The definition of reconciliation shared during the ten-minute mini sermon was simply described as, taking the time and making the effort to “get on friendly terms with” someone or something.
I don’t remember exactly what question we asked the residents but it was something like, “Is there any relationship that you wish you were on friendlier terms with?” It was such a simple question that brought out some profound stories. Almost everyone had some relationship they wish they were “on friendlier terms” with. Answers included things like, “my son”, “my neighbor”, “my sister”, “God”, “my mom—who has already passed.”
Listening to their heart felt stories led me to begin the practice of asking the question, “Is there any relationship that I would like to be on friendlier terms with?”
As this new year of 2021 begins, join me in visiting that simple question. Is there any thing that you would like to reconcile? It feels worth considering the question, to get back on friendlier terms with, even if it is just with yourself.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!
