Trying to Breathe
Written by a listening ear for people as they struggle for the right words to say during overwhelming times.
Dear friends,
Please know we love you and need you. Please know we covet every prayer (vibe, thought, etc.) on our behalf. Like a ship at sea raises flags to communicate with other boaters, we too need to raise our flag to communicate with all those that surround our life at this time.
I don't know what color tomorrow's flag will be but today's flag is Delta and it looks like this:

And it means:
I am maneuvering with difficulty - steer clear.
On our land lived life, this looks like granting space to people hunkering down in their life, home, and safe places as they learn to breathe. Maybe they’re learning to breathe for the first time. Maybe they’re learning to breath again in a new normal. Keep in mind that once a person is finally desperate enough to raise the Delta flag, their reserves are already precariously low due to the overwhelm they are experiencing in their lives at this time, Often times people fly the Delta flag when some major change occurs; or when something unexpected enters their life, or a family member is struggling or as sometimes can be the case, all of the above converging in a short period of time. I’ve witnessed these compounding squeezes in people’s lives over and over again. When the weight in the moment can feel crushing.
The hard part for those trying to breathe, and those trying to support, is sorting out and effectively communicating what is helpful and what is further overwhelming. Sometimes what people try to give as help is actually further overwhelming. The only thing I know right now with the DELTA flag flying is that we need your offerings of support from a distance as we focus on trying to breathe. Love us through the mail or emails, through prayers, send pictures that make us smile, or jokes to make us laugh, or songs, or poems, or words of truth and grace. Reflect hope. If you choose to join us and give anything during this time, please give with an open hand with no reciprocation expected. Please don't feel offended if we give access to one support and turn away another. Expected people may not have access while unexpected people will. Please give grace as we attempt to navigate these treacherous waters. Right now we are just trying to find our calm. When we are ready to fly a new flag, we will let you know.
Helping is a card...
instead of a call.
Helping is a comment or a like on Facebook...
instead of stopping by.
Helping is honoring the short visit times and leaving without waiting to be asked to leave.
Helping is recognizing that managing our energy and time will look different than what you might think we need.
Helping is allowing us to take in your gifts and offerings of support on our own timeframe.
Today the Delta flag may be flying but tomorrow we may need to call an "all hands on deck."
Thank you for loving me/us the way we need to be loved right now.