Dum Spiro Spero
A latin phrase meaning:
While I breathe, I hope.
I like Latin words and phrases. They appear fancy-schmancy. Somehow their meaning carries more weight in my mind.
In this case, Dum Spiro Spero,
thunders out to mean:
While I breathe, I hope.
This Latin phrase and its meaning, fits well into my “Passion for the Possibilities of Life,” personal philosophy or maybe even more like a personal manifesto.
What is a manifesto anyway?
Manifesto definition is - a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.
Okay. I like that as a base to work from.
What about word root or origin?
Taken from the online Merriam-Webster dictionary,
Manifesto Has Latin Roots
Manifesto is related to manifest, which occurs in English as a noun, verb, and adjective. Of these, the adjective, which means "readily perceived by the senses" or "easily recognized," is oldest, dating to the 14th century. Both manifest and manifesto derive ultimately from the Latin noun manus ("hand") and -festus, a combining form that is related to the Latin adjective infestus, meaning "hostile." Something that is manifest is easy to perceive or recognize, and a manifesto is a statement in which someone makes his or her intentions or views easy for people to ascertain.
Okay then, manifesto it is!!
I am a person with a passion for the possibilities of life.
Possibilities. I like that word. I like the sound of the word. That word carries with it, in my connotation, a power packed fill of hope.
From my perch, in the way I view the world...
I like the direction the word —possibilities— has...
Possibilities... it sounds like doors are open.
Possibilities... I hear hope.
Possibilities... if I was considering the flow of water in a river, possibilities are the way water “flows through” the openings.
To catch a vision of a possibility you have to imagine...
imagine the possibilities.
What do “possibilities” look like?
What do “possibilities” taste like?
What do “possibilities” smell like?
What do “possibilities” feel like against my skin?
Can I perceive “possibilities?”
Today’s possibility included the vision of friends and family gathering together in one location for a shared experience of skiing together for one whole day.
Today’s specific manifesto about my passion for the possibilities of life... was... and is... a great vision to behold!
Real Life
Real Community
A solid vision, worthy to bring to action.
Here is the warning about putting energy into bringing concepts like vision and passion and possibilities...into fruition.
Warning: When a good desire become a demand, on either self, or others, or even the environment, there is a shift that occurs...
Expectations — Reality = Disappointment
Disappointment no longer has a positive connotation. Disappointment produces...
the ANTI-vision.
The anti-...
or against...
against the vision...
against hope...
against community...
against the vision of “the passion for the possibilities of life.”
So if I circle back around to
Dum Spiro Spero
While I breathe, I hope.
Now it looks like I have some adjustments to make...
Looks like some adjusting and some releasing must happen along the way....
...which is way easier said, than done.
Okay, stay home two of you...
Okay, leave early...
first one...
then two...
then three of you...
Okay, end early...
head back to the farm...
Thinking now only those game to stay
Now we can stay and be free to play
the rest of the night,
right up until the last...
the end of the day
Wait. What? Now you two too?
Only two more times down the hill...
and then straight back in?
No. Not even two trips...
Only just one...
The time to leave...
The time to leave is right now....
Remain true to your personal manifesto reaching always for the passion to remain engaged in mining out the possibilities of life.
And then release the plan...
so that it doesn’t become a demand...
severing the hope...
that cannot be a command.
Release and release...
the passion and vision...
and stay fueled by the hope...
until each moment...
stays life giving...
Remember to action out the intended outcome or check the root...
to make sure you actually...
bear the right fruit.
Consider the possibilities...
What do “possibilities” look like?
What do “possibilities” taste like?
What do “possibilities” smell like?
What do “possibilities” feel like against my skin?
Can I perceive “possibilities?”
As the release plays out...
believe everyone is participating...
to the best of their ability...
in this moment...
at this time...
not perfectly...
but humanly....
the fruit can still look like...
Real Life
Real Community
Whew! That was hard; but I actually think we made it there, not perfectly mind you, my disappointment kept leaping out.
Adjust the sight...
Adjust the sound...
by keeping in mind...
that words have direction...
e v e r y t I m e!
